
Showing posts from June, 2019

Painting Because Ideas Expressed Verbally Are Offensive to Snowflakes.


Scripted AF

All the pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place, kids of today don't remember how it was back in the days, propagandists reached a new cycle in their generational game,  all these hours in front of tv screens to make people tame...  I need you to FUCKING STOP IT. You've been deceived and distracted.  TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK. Identify what you truely want.  GET YOUR FOCUS STRAIGHT. Drop the habits which hold you back - don't let 'em win,  trust only yourself and put all media into question,  they lie to you, I can guarantee you that,  but look for yourself and don't get all too mad. News reporters running psy ops on the majority of the population, nothing too unlikely or too dumb to not be suggested in rotation, assumptions and assertions, suggestions and recommendations, subtle programming to change your mind and to make you blind.  Reporting fabricated productions present

Hoaxed World - Gods in the Sky

Water doesn't curve for fuck's sake, if a vacuum aint ever suck it's fake, tellin' you 'bout spins'n'orbits, all fantasies like little hobbits. You've never felt the orbital speed,  there's no way you could stay on your feet, while blastin' in every direction,  you soon would need a resurrection,  you've never ever thought about this,  just accepted it as the way it is.  They've taken your mind to cause it to rot,  indoctrinated it with a foreign thought,  talkin' about their imaginary friend, helpin' the masses to make light bend, - a concept for water on a ball, like it could stick to a wall. Vast bodies of water won't ever display,  the convexity a globe would portray,   they clearly miss that ability,  no way to form that kind of stability.  And before you get off on your water drops,  you have to know a thing about the ocea